Thursday, September 18, 2008

Day Three Worksheet





I ate when my body was hungry.




I ate in a calm environment by reducing distractions.




I ate when I was sitting.




I ate when my body and mind were relaxed.




I ate and drank the things my body enjoyed.




I paid attention to my food while eating.




I ate slowly, savoring each bite.




I stopped before my body was full.




Day Three - Going for Godly Goals

What an interesting reflection today. It's a topic I tend to avoid; one I don't care to think about: Setting Goals.

The authors discussed how many times we are dissatisfied because we don't really understand what we were designed to do. The example of a flashlight was given. A flashlight's purpose is to shine but what would happen if the flashlight decided that it wanted to be a hammer? Next to an actual hammer, the flashlight would feel inadequate and ineffective.

After taking a moment to reflect on this, the book has me writing a generalized purpose statement. I believe God will show his tender love and mercy through me as I give care and comfort to those who are unwell. My own health ties into this. What will I do when my own health keeps me from being able to physically care for others? The authors wrote, "we know that one of the ways we can bring God glory (make him known to others) is by being our healthiest."

Another gem I picked out today from the book is this:
Remember that His primary purpose is for you to be more like Jesus and for you to glorify Him in body, soul, and spirit. Body, soul and spirit. Not just soul, not just spirit but in BODY as well. My mother told me this scripture once and it stuck with me.

1 Corinthians 6:19&20 NASB
19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own?
20 For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.

The Message says, "Don't you see that you can't live however you please, squandering what God paid such a high price for?" (part of vs. 20)

Wow. God paid such a high price for me, for all of me. For the whole of me. Amazing to think about it that way. Of course I realize Christ died for my eternal being, so that I can be with God and don't have to be separated any more but I never really thought about my body being a part of that deal.

Well I got off on a rabbit trail there. Anyway, the authors had me set three specific goals. They used Charles Stanley's principles when setting goals:

  1. State precisely what you intend to accomplish (Mark 10:51)
  2. Keep your goals private.
  3. Set goals you can't reach on your own strength and ability.
  4. Make a commitment to your goals.
  5. Take one step at a time.
  6. Set a goal to successfully manage your success.
  7. Take the plunge. "I'm going to take the risk. I'm going to jump in and see what happens."

Ok so I can read. I see principle #2 up there about keeping goals private. However since this is my diary, I am going to post my goals here. I realize it's the internet and therefore not actually private but since I'm writing this for me and really only for me, then I think it's ok. So here they are:

  1. By day 30 I will be down a dress size (-15 to -20 lbs).
  2. By day 30 I will be drinking 100 oz of water on a daily basis.
  3. By day 30 I will have my personal areas in the house tidied and de-cluttered.

I realize goal 3 looks weird but the authors wrote, "Many who have struggled with chaotic eating seem to have disorder in other areas of their lives as well." I know that's true for me which is why I chose my third goal. Specifically I will keep my area by my rocking chair cleaned up, I will keep up with the laundry and I will get my bedroom emptied of clothes and clutter. Also goal #1 scares me a lot. That's a lot of weight to lose in one month but principle 3 says to set goals I can't reach on my own strength. I know God will help me with this goal. I am going to rely on His strength to reach it.

I'm going to end with two verses that the book printed to ponder. I'd like to memorize them both (goal four?).

Romans 8:18 For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.

1 Corinthians 10:31 Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Day Two Worksheet





I ate when my body was hungry.




I ate in a calm environment by reducing distractions.




I ate when I was sitting.




I ate when my body and mind were relaxed.




I ate and drank the things my body enjoyed.




I paid attention to my food while eating.




I ate slowly, savoring each bite.




I stopped before my body was full.




Days One and Two

Ok so this is supposed to be my "private" (how private can you get on the internet) diary of my journey through the book, Thin Within by Judy and Arthur Halliday. I did not start this diary until day 2 so stick with me here, this is going to be a bit of a two-day entry.

Yesterday was a crazy hectic day for me. I forgot Ty at school and didn't realize it until I'd taken Gracie all the way up to soccer practice about 45 minutes away. I was planning on using the time at practice to work on my homework because I knew once I got home my BIL was coming over to help with the teen video, I have a paper to submit on MyCompLab which wasn't working, and I have chemistry homework due as well as a quiz on Thursday I need to study for. To say I was stressed is an understatement.

Steve is an angel and brought home KFC for dinner. I think I got about two bites in when Jer showed up. God bless him for giving up his time to help me but that made me throw the principles I'd learned that day right out the window.

Eat in a calm environment by reducing distractions. Nope.
Eat while sitting. Yes.
Eat when body and mind are relaxed. Nope.
Eat and drink things my body enjoy. Yes.
Pay attention to my food while eating. Nope.
Eat slowly and savor every bite. Nope.
Stop before body is full. Well I couldn't help but do that.

Ok so later after Jer left, I tried again. This time I was frustrated by my husband. First he wouldn't get out of my chair until my already-reheated-food was nearly cold again. That sounds bad but my chair is at the computer and he was trying to get some work done. So finally after he got up, I knew I needed to work on getting my paper submitted on MyCompLab (MCL from now on) so while I munched, I logged on. After that failed (again) I changed seats thinking (a) Steve could have the computer back and (b) I would pay closer attention and reduce distractions. Steve helped me there too. Instead of sitting back at the desktop, he sat in the living room at his laptop and talked about the tanking economy. Because I guess I looked like I wasn't stressed enough or something, I don't know. It's not that I didn't want him to talk to me, it was more the subject matter and my own stress level I guess. Anyway, after that everything else went out the window. I ate fast and I didn't pay attention at all.

This morning I forgot. I know that sounds stupid but really I just forgot. So I ate two granola bars and had my coffee at my rocking chair while working on my English comp before I remembered. I read Day Two while I was in a queue for tech chat on MCL. Here are some of the gems I picked up today:

"When we begin to see that God has created each one of us uniquely and very specifically, we begin to develop an appreciation for our own bodies."

The authors spoke about how God made the woodpecker with a special head just for tapping at trees and the wonder of the quills on a porcupine, things like that. And if God can make all that - animals and plant life, etc - just for my pleasure think how amazing my own body must be and how much God must care about my physical presence.

Ok so the next gem came from the section in the chapter about understanding hunger and fullness. They give the example of a scale from 0 - 10, 0 being empty, 5 being content and 10 being overfilled. The authors say I should eat only when I'm at a 0 = empty and stop when I am at a 5 = comfortable. There was more about eating when I'm at a 3 and stopping at 7 or eating when I'm 5 and stopping when I'm 10 which was interesting but really I was thinking, "How do I know when I'm at 0 and more importantly, how do I know when I'm at 5?" Here's the gem:

There's no such thing as "I'm just a little bit hungry." You're either at a 0 or you're not.

A surprising yet little known fact is that your stomach when empty is about the size of your fist, which means that approximately a fist-sized amount of food is all that is required to take you from that 0 to a comfortable 5.